Register Menu on Function.php Display on Admin

//register Menu Here, this will appear on admin under Appearance/Menus
register_nav_menu('custom_menu_location', 'Custom Menu Location');

//Example how functions.php is looking alike
//Function To Inyect <head> Start
function custom_features(){

    //register Menu Here, this will appear on admin as well
    //Do not forget, so you can build your menus in admin, this registers menu
    register_nav_menu('customMenuLocation', 'Custom Nav Menu Location');
    register_nav_menu('customFooterLocationOne', 'Custom Footer Menu Location One');
    register_nav_menu('customFooterLocationTwo', 'Custom Footer Menu Location Two');

    //Inyect Title to <title></title> on <head>
//Trigger Function custom_features()
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'custom_features');
//Inyect <head> End
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