Adding Page Banner Dynamic Background Image
Create New Custom Field With 2 Fields REMEMBER Location Rules:
Manual Image Crop plugin
Further needed cropping tool, keep in mind there are a lot of plugins to do this, In this case course
Manipulate Cropping Origin Point (Center, Top, Bottom) etc. Functions.php
array(‘left’,’top’)) array(‘center’,’center’)) array(‘right’,’bottom’))
Add Custom Sizes Images to page
Remember you added under function.php this:
PHP GD extension in xampp (Image Croper Sizes)
How to install PHP GD extension in xampp? 8 steps:
Add Image To Blog
Under Function.php file add add_theme_support(‘post-thumbnails’);
VsCode Shortcut Select The Same
Select text with mouse, ctrl + d , every time you want to select more of the same
Related Programs II Display On single-event.php page
with print_r() we can see what type of info we are getting, an array this case…
Related Programs I
Create a custom field on ACF Field Type Relationship: Filter by Post Type: Program Show this field group if Save
Create a new file named archive-program.php
Because by default A new custom post-type will fall back to arvhive.php main page We need to create a custom
Create A New Custom Post Type “Programs”
Remember to register it under the mu-plugins/custom_post_types.php All page looks like this now: REMEMBER TO SAVE IN PERMALINK SO URL
Creating Past Events Page
Create new page under Admin New Page named Past Events, slug will be past-events Also create a new php file
Install Custom Fields Plugin Instead?
Search for Advanced Custom Fields on Plugins Admin ACF the_field(); the_field(‘event_date’); event_date is created on ACF
After Registering Custom-Fields under MU-Plugins Turn On Additional Fields
Go to edit a page of (in this case ‘Eventes’) Got to Edit 3Dots TOP Right Choose Preferences/ Choose Panels/
register_post_type() Add excerpt ‘supports’ => array(‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘excerpt’),
On custom_post_types.php page created under themes/mu-plugins
if (has_excerpt()) the_excerpt() II
This is the excerpt form the actual post, written in admin
Create New archive-event.php page
This page will show when going to main url/events/
Let’s Create a custom page for Events single-event.php
Under theme/ create anew page single-event.php
Must Use Plugins / mu-plugins folder
Any Plugin that we create under this folder will be automatically called by wordpress. Under wp-content folder, create mu-plugins folder
Custom Post Type Create New Event Section
Under functions.php page register new Post Type problem with this is taht if you change theme’s this would dissapear, so